Women at XAM Combat Burnout: A Look Back at an Empowering Session

In April, XAM’s Women at XAM (WaX) club tackled the ever-present challenge of burnout. Recognising that this issue often disproportionately affects women who shoulder the weight of both career and caregiving duties, WaX invited Emma Largerlow, a Holistic Wealth & Mindset Coach, to lead a masterclass titled “Break the Busy.”

Largerlow’s session offered attendees a toolbox of practical strategies for time management, prioritise self-care, and establish achievable goals. As one employee aptly noted, “the course was a powerful reminder that self-care isn’t a luxury, it’s an investment. By investing in ourselves, we can better manage the demands we all face.”

Why WaX? Building a Supportive Space for Women in Tech

XAM is a strong advocate for diversity and inclusion, recognising the immense value women bring to the tech sector. However, statistics show that women make up only 28% of the Australian tech workforce. To bridge this gap, WaX fosters a positive and empowering environment through a variety of initiatives.

XAM offers flexible work arrangements, allowing women to create a work-life balance that works for them. The company also provides ample opportunities for training and upskilling, ensuring women have the tools they need to advance in their careers. Additionally, XAM facilitates leadership mentorship programs, pairing experienced women with those looking to climb the corporate ladder.

Furthermore, XAM hosts a variety of events, both company-wide and WaX-specific. These events create opportunities for women to connect, share experiences, and build a strong support network. Finally, XAM has created open discussion platforms where women can connect and share their experiences, fostering a sense of community and belonging.

WaX Members Share Their Key Learnings

The “Break the Busy” session resonated deeply with WaX members, sparking a wealth of insightful takeaways.

One member discovered the power of journaling, sharing that “keeping track of goals, even if it’s just weekly, provides a sense of accomplishment and keeps me motivated.”

Another member emphasised the importance of intentionality, reminding us that “we all need to make a conscious effort to manage our time and prioritise self-care.”

Reconnecting with purpose was a key takeaway for another attendee, who noted that “focusing on what truly matters in life leads to a more fulfilling experience.”

The importance of self-care was a recurring theme. One participant highlighted the importance of finding a healthy routine, advocating for everyone to “prioritise yourself!”

Finally, a member offered a valuable strategy for managing competing demands. They shared that “taking a moment to pause allows for strategic decision making.

Empowering Women: A Few Words About Emma Largerlow

The mastermind behind the insightful session was Emma Largerlow, a Holistic Wealth & Mindset Coach. Largerlow understands the complexities of women’s lives firsthand, juggling the roles of mother, wife, daughter, and entrepreneur. Her mission is to empower women to reclaim their potential through a unique blend of mindset mastery, wealth-building strategies, and self-care practices.

Join the Movement!

WaX is dedicated to fostering a workplace that attracts and retains top female talent. By prioritising the well-being of its women employees and providing valuable resources like the “Break the Busy” workshop, XAM is empowering women to thrive in the ever-growing tech industry. Stay tuned for news about future WaX events and initiatives!